Tuesday, October 20, 2015

916 Malaysia Day Charity Night Run 2015

Malaysia Day falls on 16th September 1963 and is one of the most respected and appreciated celebration for Malaysian citizens because it marks the day Borneo and West Malaya became one country call Malaysia. Numerous events were planned in conjunction with Malaysia Day celebration such as 916 Malaysia Day Charity Night Run 2015 which was organized by Miri City Council alongside with other government departments.

Before the commencement of the actual event, there are a lot of details that needed to be prepared such as props for performers, a well planned running sheet as well as list of invited guests and performers.
My task for this massive event was to confirm the attendance of guests of honour, councillors and performers. Our invited performers are amongst the prestige fitness and health centre located in Miri, Sarawak and the purpose of their workout demonstration was to motivate and energize participants for the run.

On the night of the event, committees had to arrive early for final touch up of the venue and to delegate responsibilities to everyone.

Every MCC PR department's committee were given the above tag.
Running sheet of the event and performers check list.

The stage was set up with a massive stage display.
The full view of the stage with digital clock for countdown.
Public Address System (PA System) all geared up to pump up the event.

DJ of the night in the middle of sound check.
MCC committee just finished setting  up chairs for performers.
The venue was starting to get crowded with participants and supporters.
Participants slowly gathered up.
Emcee of the event making an opening.
Screening of A short clip about the wonderful Miri City.
As the video was playing, so did the participants where they starting to fill up the venue.

  I was amazed and astounded by the number of people participated in the event. They fill up over 4 blocks of buildings. 

Before getting ready on the starting line, first group of performers demonstrated the fun way of warming up. Most participants were energized and they dance along with the performers. 

First performers boosted up the ambience by performing on trampoline. 
Zumba performers were getting ready to pump up the crowds.
Councillors and VIPs were enjoying the performance.
People from all ages, including children were enjoying themselves with the performance.
After the amazing performances, VIPs and councillors were invited on stage to officiate 916 Malaysia Day Charity Night Run.

Y.B Lee Khim Shin waving Malaysia national flag alongside fellow guests of honor on stage.
As soon as the sound of blow-horn went off, participants storm out to start the run.

Participants storming out of the starting line.
Participants ready for the run.
Participants half way through the 5km run.
Policemen were securing and guarding participants.
Volunteers cheering for participants near the finish line with water to be given.
One of the participants running toward the finish line.
Crowds witnessing the night run.
Runner who had completed the run taking slow walk to ease their exhaustion. 
After completing the run, participants were entertained with more performances and they were dancing along.

Belly dancers entertaining the crowds.
Even after running for 5km, most participants were still active to dance along with performers.
This small kid holding Malaysia national flag while watching performance.
There were more performances before the countdown for Malaysia Day, unfortunately my phone ran our of battery and I did not manage to snap pictures.

It was 11: 55pm, VIPs and councillors were called to go on stage to prepare for countdown. I was honoured to be able to stand on stage alongside the guests even though my task was to clip glow-in-the dark stick on their wrists because I was able to interact with them.

At exactly 12am, the whole crowd screamed "Selamat Hari Malaysia" (Happy Malaysia Day) out loud and cheered with joy!

It was a rather patriotic night run where I had the chance to witness how grateful and loving Malaysian are towards their country. Indeed, at the end of the event, people were exhausted but it was all worth it!

Miri City Council committee taking a break before packing up the venue.
When I got back to the office, I was excited for media clipping just to observe how the press covered the event and it was published in most of the local newspapers in 4 different languages, such as Malay, Chinese, English and Iban (Miri local dialect).

News covered by Utusan Borneo.
It was even published in Iban language.
The Borneo Post published the event in English.

I am lost beyond words at how amazed I am by the crowd that attended the charity night run. I was also able to interact directly with guests of honor, councillors, the press and performers. At the end of the event, I gained knowledge on how to plan a big event, direct communication with VIPs and the press as well as witnessing Malaysian love towards Malaysia!.

Yours truly,

Ivy Tang Siew Ing
Miri Campus

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