Sunday, November 1, 2015

I found Clarity

It seems as soon as I commenced my internship with Clarity Communications it was over. 

My final weeks of my internship I continued to work with my media pitches surrounding the client ICF,  I produced a progress report for Kellie, updated all information gathered into appropriate files and finalised the ‘How to Guide’ for the leadership team who would continue to maintain the site. 

I have completed a lot of work experience in both PR and Journalism previously, but this is by far the most realistic experience i’ve had. 

For that I will be grateful, as it has given me an in depth scope into the industry and provided me with the opportunity to have a go with the allowance of trial and error. 

The team at Clarity have been exceptional in all that they have taught me, and their willingness to help me. 

I am also grateful for ICF WA allowing me the opportunity to work alongside them in their awareness and engagement campaign. 

I will leave my internship more confident on where I want my career to begin but have also learnt lessons on what I can improve which is why I believe we are made to do the unit throughout our degree. 

I know that I need to spend more time on my grammar and spelling, and as i’ve mentioned in my previous blogs I tend to rush to the finish line. 

Kellie has invited me to come back to the office to work on this aspect of my work which I am very eager to complete. 

What i’ve ultimately come up with key areas that my future professional self will keep in mind:
  1. Don’t rush, despite deadlines, it is important to take your time to ensure your work is of quality and not quantity
  2. Edit your work to the standard of publication. 
  3. Take note of what is happening in the community to determine whether a topic is newsworthy.
  4. Don’t be afraid of challenges, and thinking outside of the square - this industry is full of innovative and creative personalities.
  5. And lastly, love your job, it is a fun, engaging environment where you face challenges everyday.
Now equipped with the experience of working in-house and in agency, I’d like to say I enjoy agency for its variety.

I hope everyone has had as successful placements as my own..

I have definitely found Clarity. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Jesica!

Its amazing that you had such a rewarding and positive experience at Clarity. I can fortunately say that my internship was successful too and I'm actually going to continue interning!

I have the same grammar issue as yourself that I also need to work on but who doesn't have a few flaws that need to improved on! I also agree with the key areas to keep in mind for the future and I feel as though I could have written them myself. I really think one of the most important things about the workplace is ensuring you love your job, otherwise its really not worthwhile and it can affect your work ethic as well as the work you produce.

Thank you for such an engaging post, I wish you all the best!

Unknown said...

Hello there Jessica,

I'm very impressed on how successful you are and how much fun you are having at Clarity. I believe that they key to a successful work is to love what you are doing because at first i was having a hard time during my internship but slowly i began to realize that it isn't so bad after all.

Thanks for the wonderful read,

Jonathan Philip
Miri Campus

Unknown said...

I definitely agree with your comments about not rushing your work, and editing for the target publication.
A late assignment in university is one thing, but actually working for a paying client and representing your company makes the pressure higher than ever and you have to truly weigh up the quality of work you can produce when a deadline is closing in.
Time management is everything in the real world.

Thanks for the great post.