Monday, November 2, 2015

So long, Farewell, Goodbye

This shall be my final blogpost. My internship ended on the 30th of October. On that very night, we held a media appreciation night where we invited all the reporters of the local newspapers in Miri, and on that very night, my supervisor and friend Ms. Agnes Nyelang announced that she would be resigning from her position as Interhill Group of Companies’ Corporate Communications Manager. I can’t help but feel that this was, in a sense, a poetic ending to a wonderful experience as I got to say goodbye to everyone that had made that experience unforgettable.

I would like to leave my final words of parting here, for those who are also leaving their internships soon or perhaps are just about to begin.

I would like to say that in this industry, we must be brave and we must be honest, and those two things are often inseparable. In whatever situation that you may be in, these two things will most likely see you through.

To be brave does not mean to be without fear, it means to conquer that fear and do the best you can under those circumstances. Speak in public, talk to strangers, defend your case passionately, do this all with a brave heart and conviction, because people will recognise that bravery and they will trust it.

To be honest doesn’t mean to speak any way you wish. I am not advising you to spill everything that’s on your mind regardless of how it may reflect upon yourself as a person or upon the organisation you represent. I mean be earnest and genuine in what you do, believe in the message you are trying to portray and have integrity in all that you do and represent. Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you.

Thank you, and I wish everyone all the best in their future.

So Long, Farewell, and Good Bye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Daniella,
Glad that you made it!The last two things you share are absolutely true.We have to be brave and be honest at the same time. After years working, we might find those skills and ideas are just not the top important. A PR person without these two personality is going to fail one day.I will keep this in mind when I come to the real world. Wish you a good future after graduated. And hope we will meet again soon!