Design Practice 172. Any Event Management students remember that unit? I know people that even took it as an 'elective' because it was considered a 'fun' unit.
At the time I also considered it relatively fun for a compulsory unit, however I didn't really think about how I would be using it in the future!
Little did I know, the skills I learnt would become invaluable in my PR internship! My PR supervisor was formerly a product designer and therefore has amazing graphic design abilities!
She has been great with allowing me to develop my skills in this area. She will allow me to work on design projects, and after allowing me to play around and figure out things on my own, she will help me by showing me quicker and easier ways to do things.
It has deepened my understanding of the different tasks a PR Officer may have to undertake, especially in such a small department (in my case only one person!). In a school there is so much more going on than I expected, and almost everything needs something designed in some form or another. Doing this in-house instead of outsourcing this service produces much faster turnaround times, yet is still high quality because of the programs and skills available in-house.
What skills have you had to use in your internship that you thought you wouldn't have to?
Welcome to PR Internship - YOUR opportunity to put everything you have learned over the past years at university into practice and to get a thorough insight into what public relations is like "in the real world". This Blog allows you to reflect on your experiences, share insights with other students across campuses and to possibly give advice and support to fellow students. Please also see for more reflections
Hi Bronte,
It's great that you were given responsibility on tasks throughout your internship. I was lucky enough as well.
Some of the tasks that i thought i would never get my head around was Spread Sheets. I am now a pro…
Good luck,
Gemma Oldfield
Curtin Bentley
Hi Bronte,
I am one of many Curtin students who have undertaken the design unit you've mentioned in this post. I'll be quite honest, I wasn't too keen on doing that unit as I felt that I would not be creative enough to fully utilise the Photoshop tools to create a stellar design for my assignments. However, as potential full-time workers, we should always learn to embrace the difficulties we face and use it as a learning curve to better ourselves for the future. Good luck for your future endeavours!
With kind regards,
Jaafar Mohamed
Curtin Miri
Hey Bronte,
I myself have completed that unit as I am doing a PR and Events degree. Simular to your situation of working within a small business, it wasn't long til I soon realised that you needed to contribute towards other roles and responsibilities not only to support the organisation with tight personal constraints, but so once you had completed tasks in other fields you were able to best set yourself up so when the preparation was done you were prepared to apply your PR experience. For example I was given the opportunity to also be the box office manager throughout my PR Internship, In which I was able to identify the age demographics of people attending. From this I was able to apply this information to the latent publics which in this case was people ages 18-24 to my PR plan, effectively targeting them with PR strategies and Tactics (e.g. offering student guild at Curtin Bentley to buy tickets at a discount and sell them off directly to students only).
Sounds like your Internship has definitely put you in a good position in relating to other fields to achieve PR objectives and goals.
All the best! Ben.
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